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Review History 4 Primary

Review History 4 Primary

Regular price €49,00
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Traces of the Past: History Review for the 4th Primary. An exciting journey through the great historical eras

Course start date 05/08/2024
Course end date 06/05/2024
Weekly lessons Wednesday from 11.40am to 12.40pm
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EduLearn Reviews

Designed to offer effective reinforcement of the key concepts of the MIUR educational project and the National Indications for the Curriculum. Through a course of 5-6 lessons, depending on the course selected, students will have the opportunity to fix the specific and most important ideas in their minds, leading them towards the acquisition of the skills necessary to face exams with confidence. This targeted approach allows you to optimize study time and achieve optimal results, ensuring complete and in-depth preparation.

The course

Course Description

Our fourth grade history review course invites students to embark on a fascinating journey through time, discovering the civilizations, events and historical figures that have shaped our world. This course is designed to stimulate the curiosity of young students, offering them a general overview of the great stages of human history in an understandable and engaging format.

Using narrative stories, visual reenactments and interactive discussions, the course aims to make history vivid and relatable, allowing students to see the past as a series of intriguing stories rather than a list of dates and facts. The goal is to help children build a mental map of the past, connecting different historical periods with their cultures and technologies, and understanding how these have influenced subsequent societies.

Perfect for parenting and homeschooling, the course emphasizes history learning that is both educational and fun, encouraging kids to ask questions, think critically, and develop a deeper understanding of the world they live in. Through this approach, the course not only prepares students for subsequent historical studies, but also equips them with a greater ability to understand and appreciate the diversity and complexity of human societies.


  • The sessions will be held on the free Zoom platform. You will need a fast internet connection, a PC or tablet equipped with a video camera and microphone (a smartphone is not ideal).
  • Access to the lessons will take place via a dedicated platform.
  • It is important that the student is in a quiet and well-lit place (front light, not rear), that the camera is at his height (face), and that he has space to get up and move, since he will not always be seated.
  • Once the payment has been made, you will receive the contract and the data to access the dedicated site for managing the lessons, calendar and payments.
  • Everything simple and just a click away!
  • If you have any doubts, visit the FAQ page or send an email here .

Course led by...

Alessia Borzi

Pavia by birth and Canarian by adoption. I have been involved in learning for more than 10 years. Graduated in psychological sciences and techniques and rapid learning tutor. I love helping students simplify and organize their studying. I am sure that the key to learning is fun and I am never bored in this job... One of my favorite quotes is from Calvino: "Take life lightly, which lightness is not superficiality, but gliding over things from the high, don't have boulders on your heart." I love the sea, in fact I moved there with my partner and our four dogs, I practice pilates and long walks in uncontaminated nature. I like spending time with friends and reading books.

The Advantages of Homeschooling with EDUlearn

With EDUlearn, homeschooling becomes a personalized and flexible path, which not only strengthens academic knowledge but celebrates and respects the uniqueness of each child, guaranteeing:

  • Tailored individual progress

    with teaching methods adapted to each learning style.

  • ✨ Accessibility and constant involvement

    thanks to innovative and exciting teaching resources.

  • ✨ Continuous support for families and students

    with a community dedicated to promoting educational and personal well-being.