Online lessons
Enhanced English
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I Ripassoni EDUlearn

Corsi Specializzati per Studenti di Primaria e Media. Trasforma l'Ansia in Vittoria con Lezioni Mirate in tutte le materie Preparazione Completa, Approccio Personalizzato. Iscriviti Ora e Accendi la Passione per l'Apprendimento!

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A.s. 2024 - 2025

Academy EDUlearn

Sono aperte le pre-iscrizioni per Elementare, Medie e Superiori

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  • Parental Education

    We respond to your educational support needs, so that you can make the most of your choice of parental education. With us zero stress, all learning!

  • From 5 to 18 years

    The courses offered are suitable for both homeschoolers and those who are at school but wish to delve deeper into new topics or receive extra support in some study subjects.

  • From Elementary to High School

    Online study groups for primary, middle and high school students. Educational projects approved by MIUR and in line with European skills.

  • Private lessons

    Group and individual tutoring
    We follow you with passionate teachers prepared to work with both homeschoolers and students.

  • Bureaucratic assistance

    EDUlearn offers continuous bureaucratic assistance to make the homeschooling experience more peaceful. Organization of annual exams at private schools.

  • Socialization

    During the course of the year, online webinars on parenting and recreational-educational outings will be organized throughout Italy. EDUlearn knows how important it is to be together!