Educational Pact
EDUlearn Educational Pact
We on the EDUlearn Team give value to the dreams of each student, enriching them with healthy life principles and providing opportunities to bring out the full potential of each one. Through our work, we support students in achieving their goals, while preparing them for their academic and career futures.
We on the EDUlearn Team have always believed that parents are the primary and essential teachers of their children, and that having excellent communication with the parents of our students is essential to achieving the educational and didactic goals we have set ourselves.
In order to make the EDUlearn path effective for you and your family, we would like to share our commitment and ask you to share the responsibility for the study path you are about to begin.
The responsibilities of EDUlearn .
It will be our responsibility:
• Make our online facility available so that students have a peaceful and safe online learning environment.
• Ensure that the EDUlearn educational project is broad and balanced, in order to help identify and increase the potential skills of each student.
• Support each student's growth academically and morally.
• Provide a fun learning environment that helps each student express themselves freely and socialize.
• Communicate periodically with parents to update them on progress or difficulties encountered along the way.
• Provide the child with appropriate tasks to carry out in a group or independently, which help him to increase his responsibility, self-discipline and intellectual capacity.
• Listen to suggestions and recommendations that help us improve the service provided.
• Promote good manners, right conduct and punctuality.
Responsibilities of parents/guardians.
In supporting EDUlearn's intent for the healthy psychological and physical growth of their students, parents must adhere to the following:
• Adhere to the EDUlearn learning mission and vision.
• Read and sign the “General Directives” note when purchasing the services.
• Respect the procedures and indications given by EDUlearn, aimed at positively supporting the child's education.
• Ensure that the student attends sessions regularly and in compliance with punctuality and conduct requirements.
• Provide the student with a quiet, safe and distraction-free work space, where there is no background noise.
• Provide adequate equipment (PC or tablet, not smartphone) and a good connection that allows optimal enjoyment of the lessons.
• Provide basic school materials (pens, pencils, notebooks, drawing paper, glue, scissors, ruler and colours), print the materials given by the teachers and purchase the required books.
• Notify the reference teacher as soon as possible if the student is absent.
• Participate in meetings with the management and teachers and keep updated through the dedicated web portal.
• Ensure that the student participates in social and sporting activities on a daily basis that ensure a balance between virtual and real exchanges.
• Monitor student work if individual or group tasks are assigned.
• Promptly notify the reference teacher or the Management in the event of important events that could influence the student's participation in the study sessions, report difficulties encountered and changes in personal details.
Student Responsibilities.
Students must respect the following behaviors and responsibilities:
• Read, sign and comply with the conditions of use of the EDUlearn services for the student when purchasing the service.
• Send/present the Tasks requested by the teacher.
• Keep the video on during sessions.
• Ask questions and ask the teacher for explanations if you do not understand what was said during the sessions.
• Always be kind and respectful to others.
• Follow the principles and rules of EDUlearn.
• Attend sessions and always arrive on time.
• Do not use your cell phone or other technological devices during learning sessions.
• Use the Internet responsibly.
Do not use zoom messaging unless absolutely necessary or authorized by the teacher
General Directives for parents/guardians.
This agreement outlines and clarifies the conditions that will apply to secure and further improve our online teaching offering. By reading and accepting this document you support EDUlearn's position that the education of children/young people in parent education is a partnership between our Team and your family. Furthermore, you confirm that you agree with the following conditions in order to engage in seriousness and security in online sessions. Students who participate in the sessions are required to read and know the contents of this document.
1. To facilitate online sessions, the family must support the student:
- Providing a quiet, safe and distraction-free work space with an adult nearby, if necessary. It is important to avoid constant background noises (the shouting of adults, the barking of dogs or the noises made by other pets...) to allow children and teenagers to always keep the microphone turned on.
- Providing adequate equipment (PC or tablet, not smartphone) and a good connection that allows optimal enjoyment of the lessons.
- Providing basic school materials (pens, pencils, notebooks, drawing paper, glue, scissors, ruler and colours) and possibly purchasing the books requested by teachers during the educational project.
- Making sure your children are dressed for the day and not in pajamas and that they are well positioned in front of the screen with good frontal light.
- Making sure that your children are online on time and that any absences are reported in advance to the relevant teacher, in order to organize the session as best as possible.
- Making sure that during online sessions your children do not get distracted with other technological tools (messaging applications, mobile phones or games). It would be ideal for children and young people to understand the importance of demonstrating good attention and interaction to get the most out of the time spent together online.
- Providing the reference teacher with data relating to particular conditions related to the student's learning / health, or to unexpected family situations that may occur during the year, and which could cause difficulties in carrying out the sessions.
2. Dialogue and mutual support.
In order to optimize the collaboration between the EDUlearn Team and the students, parents are also willing to:
- Read and if necessary respond to communications from teachers and management in a timely manner.
- Provide your children with the necessary materials for the sessions, in the time necessary to carry them out.
- Participate in online group meetings and stay updated independently using the dedicated platform.
- Agree to speak with the reference teacher to discuss the behavior of the students individually and in groups and other important issues, should any problems arise that cannot be resolved independently.
- Take primary responsibility for the values, attitudes and behavior of your children, and follow them weekly in their academic evolution and emotional growth.
3. Session start times, attendance and educational principles.
Parents recognize that:
- Those who connect to sessions late interrupt the flow of morning activities and that numerous delays and interruptions in a group force the teacher to slow down the flow of lessons for everyone.
- Active attendance at the sessions and carrying out the short afternoon activities called Tasks (when necessary and if present) are fundamental elements for the success of the educational project.
- The use of backgrounds, messaging and tools of the Zoom platform must not disturb the smooth running of the activity. When the teacher realizes that their use is counterproductive to the group's activity, it will be necessary to stop using them.
-EDUlearn's educational principles are based on the belief that the violence, consumerism and passive entertainment promoted by today's mass media culture do not support the well-being of children. We trust that families have among their shared values: love, tolerance, respect and responsibility. Our team of teachers is prepared to pursue the latter, in supporting the psychophysical growth of their students.
- Your children should be supported in spending as much time as possible playing outdoors, reading, doing hobbies and sports and using their imagination in free play. The hours spent in front of the screen must be alternated with in-person social activities in order to guarantee the psychophysical well-being of children and young people. We have noticed that a healthy balance between multimedia learning and learning carried out outdoors, independently or in a group, in real life, also offers the best results in terms of consistency and determination.
- The EDUlearn educational project is complementary to the educational work carried out by parents, and is therefore to be considered as a support for preparation for the end-of-year exams. It supports the learning of knowledge and the development of skills and competences, as well as a valid support for socialization, which must be integrated with study and daily activities organized by the family in order to optimize results. The EDUlearn Academy educational project does not aim to cover the entire ministerial study program, given that the family has the right to customize it to their liking.
- Our educational project will be expanded by the intervention of specialists who will participate in some of the lessons based on specific themes, offering in-depth analysis and question&answer sessions (e.g. topics: pollution, use of the internet, music, etc.), and will also be proposed during the course of the year of moments of exchange and comparison between groups, with interclass projects based on photography, science, dance and much more. In this case the audio/video materials produced by the children will be shared within the EDUlearn project for exclusively educational purposes.
- Parents are aware of the fact that they cannot record and share with third parties the live lessons and the video/photographic material used in the group. The EDUlearn team is also not responsible for autonomous interactions (messages, emails, comments on social media, etc.) between children and young people outside of class hours. During the year, sessions will be held on the conscious use of technological tools, but the key point is the support of parents in this difficult task of managing the use of smartphones and computers.
4. Diplomas and Educational Project
The EDUlearn platform is not authorized to issue official diplomas, given that the MIUR does not consider online schools a method to fulfill compulsory education, however, we can provide a certificate of participation in our educational project. This document can be shown to the school invigilator, and can be used when the school asks you for information on the technical skills you have to carry out parental education. It can also be included in the kids' portfolio. Furthermore, in the annual Parental Education declaration, which you must send to the supervising school, you can indicate that you are supported by EDUlearn in your educational path.
Our educational teaching project (programme), which is in line with the National Curriculum Indications, is to be delivered to the school with the addition of your experiential/didactic part that completes it. At the moment it is possible to consult the general educational project on the page dedicated to Academy courses. For complete preparation it is necessary for the family to nurture and follow the personal educational path of the children and young people, implementing what is done during our online courses.
5. Conclusions
By allowing your son/daughter to access online lessons, you accept this agreement and acknowledge that you have shared and discussed the contents of this document as a family. It is essential that the homeschool children and young people participating in the EDUlearn Academy project have understood the contents of this document and that they are in agreement with the indications given. EDUlearn staff members reserve the right to disconnect, mute, and/or move students during sessions as they deem appropriate. Furthermore, they reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary action, aimed at improving and/or protecting the session of the students in the group, without prior notice if they deem it necessary.
EDUlearn, the rules of the Student Community.
Dear student and dear student,
Our mission is to help you stay focused and on pace with your studying. To enable a good working atmosphere for all participants, we have established a set of community guidelines and rules, which must be followed by all participants.
By enrolling in one of our courses, Academy, Mini-Courses or Task Rooms, you adhere to these rules. Failure to comply with these rules may result in immediate removal and permanent ban from our study programs, even without notice.
1. Conversations that are not respectful and inherent to the study/comparison topics are not permitted. Make sure your interactions are relevant and related to the study being performed (excluding Task Rooms called Chitchats ).
2. All of the following rules also apply to DMs (private messages) that you can exchange with other members. If you are reported by other members for breaking a community rule, you will be banned from using our platforms temporarily or permanently.
3. The TASK ROOMS and BREAKOUT ROOMS are intended only for studying and carrying out the Tasks (excluding the Task Rooms called Chitchat ). No other activities are allowed in these settings. You must leave the TASK ROOMS when you are not studying or carrying out study-related activities.
4. Maintain a positive atmosphere in TASK ROOMS and BREAKOUT ROOMS. The chatter takes place in the Chitchat rooms, dedicated for this purpose.
5. The use of discriminatory or hateful language is not permitted.
6. The viewing and sharing of offensive, derogatory or sexually explicit content is not permitted.
7. The viewing and sharing of contents that do not belong to a study platform is not permitted.
8. Verbal abuse, any form of insult or threat towards others is not permitted.
9. Sharing private information (in any form) about other students or people without their permission is not permitted.
10. Respect the privacy of others in the study group. Recording and photography of other students' screens using external or internal devices is not permitted.
11. Phishing of private information is not permitted.
12. No pornographic content is allowed.
13. No personal attacks are permitted.
14. No harassment is permitted.
15. Racist comments or remarks are not allowed.
16. Offensive language is not permitted.
17. Accept that you may not agree with your fellow students.
18. Trolling is not allowed.
19. Spamming is not allowed.
20. It is not allowed to overuse messages (breaking an idea into many messages instead of writing everything in one message).
21. Disturbing with unnecessary conversations or messages is not permitted. Most likely, the people in the TASK ROOMS are studying and their intention and seriousness must be respected.
22. Excessive use of emojis is not allowed.
23. No annoying, loud or high-pitched noise is permitted.
24. You need to minimize the amount of background noise, use the Mute button if necessary.
25. You must have your correct name written on the screen, avoid inappropriate sitting positions, maintain good, frontal lighting, not use artificial filters, and especially not be a source of distraction to other children and young people.
26. EDUlearn staff members reserve the right to mute a student if the sound quality is poor or if it disturbs others.
27. EDUlearn staff members reserve the right to disconnect, mute, and/or move students during sessions as they deem appropriate.
28. EDUlearn staff members reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary action, aimed at improving or protecting the students' session, if they deem it necessary.
Thank you for your attention to this information, we are happy to have you with us!